ARE YOU BORED????waddup!
feeling utterly bored just now
so went blog surfing once again
found one blog that's really entertaining!
John Mayer's blog really rocked me off my chair doh!
especially this post
JOHN MAYER's 22nd APR POSTLabels: weiling
if only you'd let me speak
5:03 PM
hey peeps!!
im like super duper high nw!!
i seriously wonder why!! muaha...
the internet is like finally up!!! like finally mann...
lets blog pple, since we are all like highly deprived since mornin!!!
good afternoon!!! konichiwa!!
:) :p :D
Labels: momoshiiii
if only you'd let me speak
3:59 PM
Heya people!
i can help u guys photoshop your pics if u send them to me before i start working again! while stocks last:)))))
love yas!!! <<<<<<<33333
oh yea and the hk trip seems fun. shopping shopping, eating eating...then...TEMPLE!!:D
Labels: photoshoppp
if only you'd let me speak
3:10 PM
hey peeps!! another quiz for those in boredom nw!!
heh.. Which Stereotypical Singaporean Student Are You?
You're the model Singaporean student!You actually enjoy going to school, doing your work and get straight As!! You even own THE clique in school, you popular bastard! Congratulations, everybody else (secretly) hates you!53 other people got this result!This quiz has been taken 9875 times.28% of people had this result.
haa...result is rather crappy!! cos i really do slack alot lo!! :)
Labels: momo's bored
if only you'd let me speak
1:43 PM
yeah! i'm so excited bout hong kong nw! so many things to eat n buy! shall do a new n more comprehensive intenary =) hey if u all r free (ww n momo) can check out e s'pore forum wif all e info on hk excited lijun
if only you'd let me speak
12:08 PM
my results somewhat the same as lijoon. just that it was 82 instead of her 85%.
anyway now that we have gmail accts, we can just sign in with that name w/o the!
anyway lijooon!
omg so many food places to add to the collection!
and we are going edison's boutique cos i just found out where!! haha!
and wooo, many people say peak and buddha worth the trip but not ocean park!
hahaha so we've made pretty gd itineraries isn't it!
and money changer wise, seems like bugis is better!
because they say they let you hold on to the rate and you can collect your money anytime before you go for the trip. then if in between right, the rate goes up, they let you exchange for the higher rates!!
woooohoo~~ so exciting!
and omg hui lau shan deserts!
i know you will like it because apparently their famous desert is all for mango maniacsss!!!
and and, shoe+bags shops all along the streets of mongkok!
below $18 guaranteed!!
yay yay so exciting!
one side down, may/june period like to rain alot.
so maybe could be affecting our peak and big buddha and shopping at those streets?
Labels: lalalala~
if only you'd let me speak
11:51 AM
85% scored higher (more nerdy),1% scored the same, and 14% scored lower (less nerdy).
What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:Not nerdy, but then again maybe not all that cool either.
Labels: lijun
if only you'd let me speak
10:44 AM
hey peeps!! heh..
do this test n see how nerdy u can be!! score was 52%!! im lightly nerd!!
What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: Somewhat nerdy. I mean face it, you are nerdier than about half the test takers.
wad about u all??
Labels: momo's bored
if only you'd let me speak
10:21 AM
hi peeps!!
sorry forgot to tell u all im taking full day leave yesterday!! heh..
cos i tot anita will adjust the timings for u 2 to u all will noe!! :)
aniways im bk now!!!
Good morning!!!!!
:) :D :p
Labels: momoshiiii
if only you'd let me speak
8:49 AM
oh my god i'm so bored today! noe something, anita's com is able to access you tube again! i oso wan to watch you tube! sob sob....
Labels: lijun-deprived of you tube
if only you'd let me speak
5:08 PM
"Belly fat carries greater disease risk than fat elsewhere."By Jane E. Allen, Times Staff Writer
Pear-shaped people may have more trouble losing weight — from their hips, thighs and posterior, specifically — but it's the apple-shaped folks who need to redouble their efforts. Their fat is more dangerous.
Researchers have known that carrying extra pounds around the belly and upper body increases the risk of hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancers of the breast, ovary and prostate. Now they're learning why.The two deposits of belly fat — the subcutaneous layer and a deeper layer — both function like mini-organs, with blood vessels, connective tissue, immune cells recruited from bone marrow and the ability to store and secrete hormones.
The inflammatory hormones, enzymes and fatty acids released by this fat increase the risk of diabetes, hypertension and high triglycerides. "We've probably discovered 10 hormones in the past decade that fat can make," said Susan Fried, a professor of medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore. Two were discovered in just the last year. "A new one is being discovered every two to three months," she added. First, scientists found that fat made leptin, a hormone that regulates appetite, inflammation and reproduction. They subsequently found that it makes the inflammatory hormone interleukin-6, which tells the liver to release more triglycerides and takes the brakes off glucose production.
Fat makes at least one hormone that's beneficial, the anti-inflammatory hormone adiponectin, which protects against atherosclerosis and helps muscles burn fat efficiently. But too much fat slows production of this hormone. Low levels have been linked to heart disease in adults, and new research presented Friday at an American Heart Assn. conference found that adiponectin levels are significantly lower in overweight children and young adults, which probably sets them up early for heart disease. Such complex biochemical activity belies the fact that fat has its place, biologically speaking — it's been key to human survival for about 50,000 years. Being able to store fat in the belly was a hedge against starvation, while immune cells in the fat protected against infection. But most people in modern cultures suffer from the consequences of dietary excess. Over the long term, such excess becomes much more than a superficial problem. The subcutaneous fat layer, which lies just beneath the skin and can be easily pinched, is damaging enough, but it's only the beginning.
Excess inches at the waist often suggest the presence of visceral fat. That deeper layer includes the omentum, a sheet of fat that hangs from the bottom edge of the stomach over the intestines. Visceral fat contains more metabolically active fat cells than those that accumulate between the skin and muscles of the abdomen or the hips, thighs and buttocks. It's particularly unhealthy because it releases more inflammatory hormones and fatty acids than other fat. Worse still, it sends them right through the portal vein into the liver, where they adversely affect glucose metabolism, blood pressure regulation and production of unhealthy blood fats called triglycerides.The enhanced understanding of fat has led some experts to say that a person's shape can be a more meaningful indicator of obesity and disease risk than the often-touted body mass index. BMI, an expression of the relationship of weight to height, doesn't distinguish between fat and muscle, so it can be particularly misleading for people who tend to accumulate fat in the upper body, including those of Asian ancestry, Latinos and adults over 50, said Dr. David Heber, director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition."Weight-to-height ratio doesn't tell the whole story," he said. BMI has helped track the epidemic of obesity — where one in two Americans today is overweight — but for individuals, "shape is more important than weight."Whether people who gain weight tend to be pear-shaped or apple-shaped depends on many factors, including genetics, how much they exercise, and hormones. Women have a higher percentage of body fat than men, mostly because their bodies make the reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone. Those hormones cause them to lay down fat in the lower body, where it resists weight loss.
The good news, nutrition and obesity experts say, is that once you lose the excess fat, you can improve your health and lower your disease risks. Diet and exercise actually shrink the deep visceral abdominal fat faster than the shallower, unsightly blubber that's the bane of overweight people.Canadian researchers reported in February's Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise that even modest increases in physical activity can improve women's cardiovascular fitness and reduce abdominal fat, regardless of BMI.
Women can lose belly fat sensibly, through a workable nutrition plan and regular exercise. There is no need for extreme dieting or harsh workout programs. Feel better about the way you look.
Labels: i am going to die of a fat stomache soon
if only you'd let me speak
11:27 AM
hey peeps!! momomonster is back to blog!!
im bored, sleepy, n i dun noe!!! muaha..
watching movie today!! should i watch superfans or wild hogs???
comment pls peeps!! haa.. will take ur views into consideration lo!!
im happy! im sad! im confused! im... ( vocab being limited)
argh!! this is a cranky post!!
i think im going crazy!! weiling, are u watching youtube there??
i wan tooooooooooo!!
heh.. okie think momo will be bk tmr to blog once again!!muaha..
that's all folks!!
tata!! :) :p :D
Labels: momoshiiii
if only you'd let me speak
4:14 PM
Anyway- Martina McBride
You can spend your whole life building
Something from nothin'
One storm can come and blow it all away
Build it anyway
You can chase a dream
That seems so out of reach
And you know it might not ever come your way
Dream it anyway
God is great
But sometimes life ain't good
And when I pray
It doesn't always turn out like I think it should
But I do it anyway, I do it anyway
This world's gone crazy
It's hard to believe
That tomorrow will be better than today
Believe it anywayYou can love someone with all your heart
For all the right reasons
In a moment they can choose to walk away
Love 'em anywayGod is great
But sometimes life ain't good
And when I pray
It doesn't always turn out like I think it should
But I do it anyway, I do it anyway
You can pour your soul out singing
A song you believe in
That tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang
Sing it anyway
Yea - sing it anyway
I sing.
I dream.
I love.
Anywaynice lyrics!
i'm not God's child at faith at this moment, but i still love this song~!
it's quite motivating.
because you know you do things sometimes not because of what you get in return,
but simply 'cos you want to do it!
haha esp those in italics!
Labels: weiwei
if only you'd let me speak
2:16 PM
hey check out tis website , e accessories r v cute, esp e ear studs =)
Labels: lijun
if only you'd let me speak
10:27 AM
anyway joonjoon where did you find the hk concert slots?
can give me the website?
i want to check that donald chen out!
Labels: weiwei
if only you'd let me speak
9:13 AM
i want to complain! y is there so little salmon for my serving compared to wanwei's n momo's??? anyway went shopping wif wanwei n momo aft dinner, weiling went home earlier for her sumptuous feast. wanwei finally saw e way momo n i shop for clothes n she was like " i miss weiling! shld hav went home wif her..." haha sorry wanwei! saw tis nice shorts at FOX, nearly bought it but din do so in e end cos it's too expensive. but bought another shorts at $10 when i went shopping again on sat at bugis street. oso, i ate strawberry n peach strudel on sat, so happy!!! =)
Labels: lijun loves strudels
if only you'd let me speak
9:09 AM
Firstly, would like to apologise coz'...
Which explains why the clothes on display are so clear, whereas close ups are so blur!
I'm sorry! And I saved the pictures over the original pictures, so I lost my original back-up! So cannot edit liao!:)
Paiseh...won't make future blunders as such.
BUT THEN! ^____^/ *smiles*

Haha and I found Mo's pic on my camera. So I decided to photoshop it as well. We took this last week, I think. :)

Blog about the outing people! Moi is going to sleep!
Labels: pepperlunch~dream fulfiled~
if only you'd let me speak
12:23 AM
let the
evil wanwei tempt you...*muhahahahah*
Do you hear the sounds of the poor salmons shrieking? Saying, "noooooooooooooooooooo don't eat me?"
Well, beloved Salmons, if I spare you, I'd have to eat your fellow beef friends!!!
Nah, okay currently I am still thinking who to eat. But Salmons, you look soooooooooooooooo deliriously delicious.
*beams at salmons*
*salmons stare back in horror*
OKay. I'm bored and hungry after a lunch of fruit tarts (...) and not-so-nice-maggie-mee. (... ...)
Love me ok people!:)
I think I'm hallucinating already?
Labels: evil ww~
if only you'd let me speak
5:02 PM
heheheheh! Looking at people's hair colours now!
I want her hair colour! ^___^

So pretty:)
I want a brighter shade one also:))) Then go tannnnn! ^______^/
Nice colour right? I know it, although I can't view the hair colour properly over my computer!
Ayu-chan has a lot of nice pics!

Young Ayu:)

Shall dye it before I go Japan (If I go at all) :))))) If not maybe like, on the 11 of May!!!!:)
Labels: nice hair~
if only you'd let me speak
3:12 PM
Confirm tomorrow dinner at FISH N CO!!!! Near the
L.O.V.E thingy!:)
sms mo to confirm!:)
Labels: ~dinner
if only you'd let me speak
11:02 AM
I am sure you've all heard about the massacre in V.Tech Uni on monday.
I was really bored just now so was looking at news on
Found this website on the victims.
Link HereDo take some time off to read.
Labels: weiling
if only you'd let me speak
2:03 PM
Good mornin!! :D
hi feelin tired nw!! help!!!
heh...went cycling frm my home all the way to kallang yesterday!
yay! i finally got down to do some constructive exercise!!
but really weary nw! (new vocab) :)
sayonara den!!!
:) :p :D
Labels: momoshiiii wants to be in bed
if only you'd let me speak
8:34 AM
I went Clarke Quay yesterday...
Long story why I ended up there, but here are three pics! \^____^/

Labels: pretty places~
if only you'd let me speak
1:59 PM
gd morning!!! dunno y today everyone is like either on e dot or late for work except for weiling. well, i reached exactly on e dot...walked really fast n my legs r aching...actually felt quite tired in e morning but e brisk walk somehow wake me up n feel more energetic =)
Labels: lijun
if only you'd let me speak
9:12 AM
well gd morning everybody! today in quite a gd mood too cos i went shopping on sat n bought a bag, my friend even tried to persuade me to buy a bikini to tan with her at Sentosa but din bought it in the end cos i spent my $ on e bag. anyway, dun really dare to wear bikini too, no figure n i'm quite conservative lol. maybe nxt time when i really really really feel like tanning den i'll get one, which is not v possible in e near future...
Labels: lijun
if only you'd let me speak
10:14 AM
i am still high over yest's hk film awards!
cos i didn't expect ms yeung will go!
then further more, she sat with eason and she gave out an award with eason.
like OMG.
pictures speak louder than words!

like totally pretty!

look at stupid zhou xun with her net on her head. =X

Labels: rahh
if only you'd let me speak
10:00 AM
moshi moshi! heh...
mornin peeps!! we're bk at work again huh... :D
hw's ur weekends?? btw i heard ntu realli gt interview lo!!
have u all receive the calls to go down yet??
stressed * 100000
let's hope we have a peaceful day today (lesser calls will help alot!) heh...
:) :D :p
Labels: momoshiiii
if only you'd let me speak
8:45 AM
Hello! i'm so full aft my meal of fried kweu teow n waffles! haha so pig but so happy aft eating. very soon it'll be wkend so cheer up everyone!
Labels: lijun ≠ li joon
if only you'd let me speak
2:15 PM
Finished my transcibing already!
This shall be pre-lunchie post!
I shall go for my white cai tow kuey without spring onions with li joon
Byebye! have fun!
Labels: weiling
if only you'd let me speak
12:57 PM
moshi moshi!! heh...
Gd morning peeps! may u all have a great day today!! cos why?? cos why??
cos it's a friday!!!Finally, the last wkday of the wk has arrived!! Applause pls!!!
YAY!! :D
im feelin happy nw!! * beams at everything i see!!
:) :p
Labels: momoshiiii
if only you'd let me speak
8:25 AM
Seriously! She's so chio! :D

if only you'd let me speak
11:42 AM
Bah my server got some problems with my post again. SO i'd to retype my post.
I'll start with a story.
Animal Farm, by George Orwell.
Once upon a time, there was this stupid horse named BOXER. Boxer likes to say, "I WILL WORK HARDER". Boxer you see, was a friend of Napoleon! Napoleon was a pig (and leader by the way) of Animal Farm.
Boxer loved and respected Napoleon highly. If Napoleon said that it was right, then it must be! Napolean gave him so many encouraging speeches, Napoleon is the smartest, Napoleon rocks, simply! It's a beautiful world out there!
Oh in the end when he was old he was sent to the butcher to be killed (by daaaarrrrrling Napoleon of course.) with the illusion that Napoleon was a good guy.
Hello! Gooooooooooooooooooood Morning!!!
This is a post to make you
Let's assume that, our original pay is $8.50 (since we know that what we get now is significantly different from what was paid to *AHEM*) so. basically $2 is koped per person, and $8 from 4 people/HOUR. One day we work 8 hours right? So assuming there are 22 working days/month. Minus the days when me and momo not here. minus the days when got public hols . So we count 21.8 working days/month. X 4 months. meaning...8 X 8(hours per day) X 21.8 X4. which is a grand total of... $5580.8!
Ta-da! And remember we worked overtime? And we started work 30 mins early in Jan? SO round off, they koped $5800 of our pay.
Thank you very much. Meaning, $1450 per person. $1450 can pay for your Japan trip, Taiwan trip, HK trip, New Zealand trip, AUS trip.
HA.Labels: you think i boxer ah?
if only you'd let me speak
10:40 AM
gd morning everyone! ah momo dun tempt me, no $ to watch movies...but feel like watching haha so contradicting =P
Labels: lijun
if only you'd let me speak
9:24 AM
hello morning!
poor eason. period.
Labels: you know who i am la. who else loves eason you tell me?
if only you'd let me speak
9:03 AM

Gd morning!! :D
almost can't wake up in time today lo!! felt like sleeping foreva and eva!!
so piggish rite!!
watched the "200 pounds beauty" yesterday! korean movie!
hey! it's a realli realli good, worthy, funny, happy, sad, and a " I luv this show forever" movie!!
muaha!! you all go watch too k!
caught the preview cos got free tickets.
that movie realli made my day! yay!!
im so happy, oh so happy!!! :)
:D :P
Labels: momoshiiii
if only you'd let me speak
8:40 AM
hope u will get the scholarship! den there'll be a pretty n blur n lag scholar...oops... well, there's stil like 1 more hr to go, day everyone! =)
Labels: lijun
if only you'd let me speak
5:05 PM
hey peeps! momomonster is back at work! heh..
went for keppel interview todae. did a stupid thing.
cos i thought the interview was at 9.30am so i decided be early and got there by 9am.
lets call the hr pple at keppel : A
A said: hey, you're quite early. your interview's at 9.45am you noe.
I replied: realli!( what a blur sotong i am) i tot it was at 9.30 am instead. argh..
A said: oh.
I replied: is it okie if i stay here til interview time
A said: okie den.
Ohmigosh!! so kuku rite! haa..
so i waited n waited( reading newspaper in the mean time) heh..
den here comes the interview. it was okie i guess. just that my thinking time was rather long!
argh!! didn't mean too lo! u guys noe im always lagging!! heh..hope everything goes well den.
but the 2nd selection must write essay noe!! I dun wan!!
i lost all my knowledge about GP already lo!!!
but i hope i get selected too though!! they will get a kuku scholar den!
okie that's about all for interview.
that's all folks!
cya next time!!
pple pls blog lo!! thanks for all the songs uploaded!!
this blog is great!!
Labels: momoshiiii
if only you'd let me speak
3:35 PM
hey peeps!! didn't mean to make a 2nd post like so soon. heh..
here's sth interesting!'s so cute lo! all come and visit this site k!
sth to get u out frm boredom!
Labels: momoshiiii
if only you'd let me speak
10:14 AM
haha gd morning everyone!
with e word n video of e day, i shall intro e lyrics of e day!
it's actually my fav song of fish's newest album 親親, hope u all like it =)
09. 不是我不明白 作曲:林倛玉 主唱:梁靜茹 填詞:李焯雄 不是我不明白 這樣並不算太壞 懂得愛 說來無奈 來自對你虧待 沒刻意掩埋 沒對他坦白 你還在 會進來嗎 你在送我回家我還在猜測 可都是真的了 再見面前 一直想像還有某種關聯 但客氣 是拒絕 新的朋友 不再重疊 你的世界 我在邊緣 不是我不明白 這樣並不算太壞 能再次關懷 時間洗刷所有不愉快 後來的愛 我們嘗試去寬待 懂得愛 說來無奈 來自對你虧待 沒刻意掩埋 沒對他坦白 你還在 沒說分手 終於是能開玩笑的朋友 不是不難過的 多少年了 我想過能夠和你一起老的 卻都有別人了 新的朋友 不再重疊 我的世界 你在邊緣 不是我不明白 有些話沒說出來 能再次關懷 時間洗刷所有不愉快 後來的愛 我們嘗試去寬待 懂得愛 說來無奈 來自對你虧待 沒刻意掩埋(沒有) 沒對他坦白 你還在 不是我不明白 說悲哀並不應該 我們的關懷 像愛但又說不上愛 沒有後來 我們才學會愛 但現在 說來感慨 不是那個未來 我們說好的 不會更改的 你會在 it's actually a v sad song esp e last verse sob sob~
Labels: lijun
if only you'd let me speak
9:46 AM
HIHI!! Good morning toooooooo!
Well i shall introduce VIDEO OF THE DAY!
hahahahahahah this video is so friggin' funny!
CLICK ME!!watch already must tell me cute or not ok?!
Its called chimpanzee and bulldog! o.0
Labels: wei ling (:
if only you'd let me speak
9:02 AM
moshi moshi!! im back!
Oui is the basic, standard French word for "yes," and it's also the best translation of "I do":
(word of the day today) heh..
i wanna learn french!! :D
oh! anyways im feeling hungry again. how, how, how???
somebody help mi!!!
sugggestions on what to eat? oh my god! this is so wrong!
heh.. okie dokie shall stop craping around!
good morning peeps! welcome to working life again..
:p :) :D
Labels: momoshiiii
if only you'd let me speak
8:30 AM
A suggestion!
Lets have some bg music!
Haha currently the big hot is wo huai nian de
Muahahahahahaha any violent objections?!?!?!
Hahahaha any violent objections hor, will be my favourite yang yang yang yang's new song already hor! XDXD
Labels: i am who i am sounds like some guangliang song? hahahaa. anyway weiling speaking here (:
if only you'd let me speak
12:09 PM
hello everyone! once again, let me emphasize i'm liJUN =P n can u believe it, i've actually given my to all of u here! haha so pardon me even if i'm e last one to blog ok... btw, i'm really hungry nw! lookin forward to lunch n eat my "yu pian chu mi fen"...
Labels: my first ^-^
if only you'd let me speak
12:07 PM
hey peeps, muaha! im like * 10000000000 times bored! somebody do sth!
i need some entertainment nw. hu wanna yu le wo?? heh..
shall we think of some exciting things to do? somebody suggest sth pls.
ani way i think coming up with this blog is like a really good idea.
but we must be too bored too! since im blogging nw even though u noe we are like a few centimetres away! nt even kilometres! :D sorry trying to crap too much nw..
i wanna watch prison break season 2 anybody have it?
help! bring mi out from boredom! :)
Labels: bored state
if only you'd let me speak
11:10 AM
okok i shall not be the last to blog!!!!
unlike somebody :Pand i will make an earnest effort to blog alot alot!
come online more then~~
anyway i believe the 4 empty links there -pokes and points to the left-
are for the 4 of us right?!?!
haha okie i only have a cantoblog wor!
if you all want then link that~~~~ XD
Anyway good luck momoseee for your keppel interview!!!!
if only you'd let me speak
10:40 AM
mushi mushi! momo speaking here.
heh..i think im having monday blues! feeling tired tired tired!
but Yipee!! this's blog is finally up! realli happy :D
pple, pls blog here k!
oh! and i think im going to take half day on wed. having scholarship interview with keppel! scared scared lo! so aja (jia you in korean) on wed, since im nt around. :)
Btw, bedok's having this pasa malam (is it like the correct spelling? heh..).. can go check it out for lunchy next time.
okie dokie. shall continue next time. off to work again!
:) :D :P
Labels: monday blues? heh..
if only you'd let me speak
8:35 AM
Okay I don't know how on earth I'd ever managed to get this up at 3.33am but YEA it is UP.
Turns out the problem lies with oldblogger Vs newblogger. Oh well.
if only you'd let me speak
3:32 AM