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April 2007
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image | kasy
macromedia dreamweaver mx
adobe photoshop cs2

* Monday, May 28, 2007 *
gd lobang!


join join join! and earn $$$ like i do! (:


if only you'd let me speak
4:44 PM
* Sunday, May 20, 2007 *

bought lots of clothes, mostly for myself n a qi pao for my mama. mostly r below $16 gotten at mong kok except for e jacket n sneakers n e qi pao. bought some food n accessories too! but too lazy to take n e food r mostly eaten up before i can take photos =P haha n wat's left from my hk trip is...

a few HKD.... haha tat's all folks!


if only you'd let me speak
5:58 PM
* *

e very famous mango dessert from xu liu shan! yummy, perfect for mango lover like me!

e shark fin chicken soup at tis place is simply delicious!

e roast pigeon is fantastic! u're jus drool from the smell... n e lemon squeezing device is so thoughtful but we ended up using our hands to eat e pigeon too =P

dessert aft e meal =)

dan dan mian!xiao long bao!
some red bean dessert!

London Restaurant:

e dim sum at tis restaurant r very nice too, we even went twice! we ate alot more but din take photos cos most of e time e 2 of us were busy eating =P e best of all is the yu chi guan tang jiao! for e 2 times we were there, we ended up being so full tat 1 meal lasted for 2! haha we hav grown to like drinking chinese tea too!

anyway there's oso lots of other food tat we ate but din take photos, like egg tarts! pig blood porridge...n of course e smelly beancurd... omg it stinks!


if only you'd let me speak
5:12 PM
* Saturday, May 19, 2007 *
hey ya! i'm here to share about e hk trip! can't believe it's actually over! omg....haha

byebye to changi airport n s'pore, i'm off to hk!

well, when wei ling n i 1st reach hk, e both of us were like a bit blur blur, dunno where to start n there's still quite some time before we've to check in to e hostel so we walk around e airport a bit to get some "basic necessities" like e octopus card for our transport n e hi card to call home. den we boarded a bus from e airport to bring us directly to somewhere near e hostel n along e way, e sceneries r beautiful! as follows:

aft quite some time aft we alighted from e bus, we finally found e dragon hostel! n got a shock when we stepped into e room...

this is wat we saw - a double bed, a small table n a tv. e toilet btw is a small cube at e left hand side of e room, enough space for only a sink n a toilet bowl. we hav to stand at e little space in front of e sink when we shower. e encouraging thing is tat at least it's clean n neat n air conditioned n there's a tv =)

we shopped alot during e 1st 2 days n spent lots of $ den we decided to slow down n go sight seeing for our last 2 days as we do not hav much $ left. we spent quite alot on food n transport too.

hk streets with e tram!

hk streets r filled with advertisments, 1 of them is edison for levi's copper =)

besides SOGO, we oso went to shopping malls like Festival Walk, Harbour City, Times Square, Fashion Walk, Citygate factory outlets...all r really nice to shop but rather expensive though.

these r e streets in Mong kok, gd place to shop for cheap stuff =)

went to Lan Kwai Fong for a stroll...

tis is at Tsim Sha Tsui, nice scenery! n strong wind too! look at our "new hairstyles"...

at avenue if stars...

at e peak! with hk below us... we took a mini bus up e ride was totally like a roller coaster ride, so fun haha.

at da yu shan praying to big buddha =)

last but not least, we oso met them...

they're miriam, justin, zhang jing xuan n cheng jia xin (known as yong er in hk). we even shook hand with some, hee =) oso saw another hk actress on e street but din manage to take photo or anything, she walked away before we could stop her...


if only you'd let me speak
12:43 PM
* Thursday, May 17, 2007 *
Whoo. Japan was fun!
Today I got to unpack stuffs and send souveniers back and THEN go tuition, so yea, I'll make this fast.

I'll blog more again soon ok! :D But meanwhile just look at how shuai4 Shogo is. Got a lot of pictures!

Most people in Japan are shuai4 and pretty!:D

Oh yes, and I got to meet Shinji too. But we didn't talk much...because it was very awkward on my part. Though initially, I wanted to be friendly with him. More on that later too.


if only you'd let me speak
11:56 AM
* *
hey mo, thanks for posting it at late night!
hai~ really very confused where to go..
i really VERY VERY SCARED i become teacher
but the letters say if you want to appeal
try to appeal for those you didn't try before
aka my business fail i shouldn't try business again
cos most prob it will fail again.
true true. even if some people rejected bus,
怎樣也輪不到我 ):
but still, no harm trying de also..


and i am feeling super ultra lazy to pack for tw trip
anybody want to go on my behalf?
i can sell it to you like.. half price?
anyway go visit edison's blog
he finally updated
and he's hua chi-ing again lol.


if only you'd let me speak
11:12 AM
* *
hello peeps!! moshi moshi!!
watashiwa momo des!!
lets have outing/gathering soon!! like bored to death!! heh...
weiling, here's your info for mathematical science: http://www.spms.ntu.edu.sg/mas/Undergraduate/MASUndergradQuickGuide.htm#CareerProspects
do look at pt 5 k!!
hope this actually helps!!
anibody found any jobs yet?? :( im still unemployed lo!!
and pple do update about ur holidays!!
so exciting ya!! :)

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if only you'd let me speak
12:04 AM
* Wednesday, May 9, 2007 *
hey peeps! it's been ages since i last blog!!
heh.. im finally off frm work lo!! so my status nw is currently unemployed!!
argh!! i need to get a new job!! :)
ani one got any recommendations?? muaha..
lets have a gathering soon!! i kind of missing u all le!! heh..
gd luck lijoon ki and weiling for ur trip to hk!! hope u 2 have fun!!
can share ur experiences after that ya!!
ww, how's ur japan trip coming up too??
i finally have time to exercise le!! but i guess im too lazy to do so!!
noooooooo... someone motivate mi!! need to keep fit!!
stay healthy!!!
lets eat sakura one day too ya!! lunch buffet 20 bucks net!! so worth it ya!!
:) :D :p


if only you'd let me speak
9:40 PM
* Monday, May 7, 2007 *


it's 2.20am now and why am i still blogging

and getting so fucking worked up!?!

cos i just found out sth 晴天霹靂


today is your FISH's first concert in hk

and i can't be there!

but why does it bother me?!?!


because the guest for 7th may is

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but one side up,
surely some fan is gonna record that part
then you can catch a glimpse of your fish in action for free


if only you'd let me speak
2:01 AM