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April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
October 2007

* credits *
design | LyLe
image | kasy
macromedia dreamweaver mx
adobe photoshop cs2

* Saturday, June 30, 2007 *
Hey peeps!! it's really long since i last updated too!!
how are u guys?? we shld realli meet up soon!
heh.. but im nt so free for the next wk or so lo!! im going for sports camp!
which's on 2 to 7 july. realli excited about it though..
just came bk frm bizad camp too!! n it was a realli fun one!!
played wet games, went clubbing and did many many cheers too! :D

oh! btw, i just found a new job recently. as a roadshow promoter for philips product!
so basically im just in-charge of voucher redemption!! sounds quite slack rite!
but in actual fact, it's rather tiring! worked for 12 hours lo!!
no chairs to sit! so had to stand for veri veri veri long! heh..
gd thing is: gt CPF some more!! haa..
it's like 1.15 am nw!!

so GOOD MORNING peeps!! pls do continue to update!!
since this's our onli way to keep in contact!!
this blog's cool mann..
maybe if anyone's free, we can come up with a new blogskin!!
signify a new start to our uni lifes!!!! nooooo more work..

im in nus business(accountancy) if u guys didn't noe!! heh..
:) :p :D


if only you'd let me speak
1:19 AM
* Sunday, June 24, 2007 *
Hello wake up everyone! this blog is like so dead nw.... well to update, i hav been slacking around since e contract ends. but so far so gd (except e part of having no income) haha, must treasure tis kind of slacker's lifestyle while i can, can do anything i wan, stay at home n enjoy my tv, music, com, piano, bks, or simply e weather...or go out with frens, either for some chats, laughs, jus to c hw they're doing...or a bit of exercise when i'm free...well, wat more can i ask for? =)


if only you'd let me speak
4:06 PM