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April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
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October 2007

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design | LyLe
image | kasy
macromedia dreamweaver mx
adobe photoshop cs2

* Sunday, August 12, 2007 *
hey hey hey where's everyone again?! busy with orientation in nus? lucky u people! sch have already started for me, and it's been a week of lessons... to update, i'm staying in hall in ntu and because i'm too lazy to go for hall camp again, well, i don't really know my neighbours that well but surprisingly, saw quite some aj people living in my blk so hopefully will get to know them better... luckily my roommate went to her course camp and get to know people in sch and with our friends inside, can roughly survive these few days =P well, i'm like very blur on my 1st day of sch and the sch is like so damn big so i keep losing my way there, got to bring a map wherever i go, just like that time when i went hk with weiling lo....haha... my friend even had to bring me to the lecture theatre on the 1st day, afraid that i might lost my way.... i'm so like a kid there! haha well, slowing getting used to the big campus and my room and all, hope to hear from u all soon =)


if only you'd let me speak
1:44 AM